Saturday, April 10, 2010

Unit 9
I have upload my final Project to doc sharing.
Unit 10
Yes I have implemented the exercise for my well being, I am very please with my improvement. I stretch every morning and do sit up before I start my day. I have not been waling three time a week like I want but I still park far from my patient home and walk and stretch my muscle while I am helping them take a bath. I find it to be very beneficial to me.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Unit 8
I choose the loving kindness and subtle mind. The loving kindness gives me an opportunity to focus on someone else. It let me think of my daughter who is young and feel that her world is coming to an end, because she still have abnormal cell in her cervix and we are now waiting to find out what stage they are in. So I have been on my "in breathe" I have been taking in her suffering from cancer cell, and on my "out breathe" I am breathing out healthy cervical cell, happiness she get from her beautiful daughter and enjoyment it gives her to make her life complete, and I pray to God and ask him for strength for her .
The Subtle mind I enjoy breathing and watching the rising and falling of the chest and I focus on the breathing until I feel comfortable, peacefulness, and a stillness.
Practicing these breathing technique I have been during exercise that I am breathing and I tight the muscle in my stomach, leg and back strengthening. These exercise is a part of my morning ritual.
Meeting Asciepius exercise
I did the asciepius exercise and I did relax, but I find myself jumping every time she came back and begin to talk. It was startling, and I would not listen to the CD, I will probably do the exercise on my with out the help of the CD. I find that meditation has been a part of life for a long time and I will understand it more and how to incorporate it into the live others. By applying these practice I will feel less stress and I will be able to teach other how to relax and unwind and think positive thoughts. I will even tell them to make a list of the bad stress in their live and make a list of good stress in there lives and if you have more good stress than bad stress then you will need to just work on the bad one.

In this saying "one can not lead another where one has not gone him or herself." It mean the ability to see the divine in everyone and treat each individual as though he or she were Christ or the Buddha himself can transform the suffering of illness into the grace of healing.
To be integral inform and take up an integral practice and then bring this new awareness to the practice of medicine can, I think, transform the practitioner in such a way as to bring back the enjoyment of the doctor patient relationship. We need to work on our spiritual evolution to actually experience what the model represents.
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Unit 6 Blog
1. The Universal Loving Kindness
May all individual gain freedom from suffering
May all individuals find sustained health, happiness and wholeness.
May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering.
May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness, and wholeness.

I will gain freedom from suffering, I will then be able to assist other individual in gaining freedom, from suffering and assist myself and others how to sustain health, happiness, and wholeness.

2. What aspect of my life from psycho spiritual is the source of difficult and suffering? I need psycho spiritual development for me to remain strong through these difficult and stressful time in my life. My daughter is still has cell on her cervix. I need to assist her staying strong during this test in her life. The biological I am focusing on eating healthy and encouraging my daughter to eat healthy so we can stay focus on our health. Interpersonal I am focus on caring for other as well as caring for my self, which is very important in my life. Worldly I go the extra mile to do something for others like washing their clothes, sewing some bibs for an adult who need them, but most of all I love giving hugs and saying a prayer for them.

I have discover about myself is that I love to be happy and I want people that I come into contact with to be happy. I enjoy listen to their story and helping them if I can. I can foster the Loving, kindness and Subtle exercise very beneficial.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Unit 5
I enjoy practicing the loving kindness CD and the reading it was very relaxing and I have been practicing it.
The subtle mind practice I enjoy the breathing technique because it relaxes you and help you to focus on the rising and falling of you chest, and it does calm the abiding mind and take you to a higher level of consciousness.
The spiritual wellness is connected to mental and physical wellness, because if your mind and body is working together to tell your body it need to get up and exercise or just move around I feel that it is the your spiritual wellness guiding your mind and body.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mental mind workout
I did not enjoy the subtle mind exercise at all because it was poorly recorded and scare the mess out of me. It may cause someone to have a heart attack if they listen to that.
After I did the exercise I found it to be very beneficial and relaxing and a sense of understanding and I realize it will give you enter peace with yourself others. This exercise is not difficult at all it just a matter of being able to just focus on yourself for a change, and putting your trust in relaxing the mind.
I would recommend this exercise to others. I feel this exercise can help you to unwind and move some of the stressful situation that is going through your mind.
In the mental workout it taught me about two mental workout. The first one I found it to be very beneficial to me. it taught me how to focus on my need, how to relax and feel concern and compassion for others, and their welfare. The second one is subtle mind I learn how to clear my mind of thought, feeling and images. When I did it I found myself going into a sleep but it made me feel calm and understanding and at peace.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

1. After I carefully reflect on my reflection on my physical well being I rate myself as 6, because I am doing good and feeling about my health but I can use some more improvement, like getting up of my butt and start exercising or walking. My spiritual aspect I am a 10 I am at my optimal well being, because I know with out God on my side strengthen me and keeping me strong I don't know where I would be. Psychological well being I am a 8 and I am keeping my mind focus on what I need to be doing and when I need to do but sometime I need to relax and close down my mind.

2. My goal for my physical well being is drinking water, when I am at home at my computer get up and move around and keep my joint mobile. Spiritual well being I am alway pray, go to church and always think God for life. Psychological well being find time for myself to relax and unwind my mind.

The exercise that I have incorporated is stretching or sitting on the side of the bed or chair and do some flexion and extension of arms and legs.
4. The crime of century exercise was relaxing and beneficial to and it was what I needed when I feel stress and need to relax and unwind.