Thursday, March 11, 2010

Unit 6 Blog
1. The Universal Loving Kindness
May all individual gain freedom from suffering
May all individuals find sustained health, happiness and wholeness.
May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering.
May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness, and wholeness.

I will gain freedom from suffering, I will then be able to assist other individual in gaining freedom, from suffering and assist myself and others how to sustain health, happiness, and wholeness.

2. What aspect of my life from psycho spiritual is the source of difficult and suffering? I need psycho spiritual development for me to remain strong through these difficult and stressful time in my life. My daughter is still has cell on her cervix. I need to assist her staying strong during this test in her life. The biological I am focusing on eating healthy and encouraging my daughter to eat healthy so we can stay focus on our health. Interpersonal I am focus on caring for other as well as caring for my self, which is very important in my life. Worldly I go the extra mile to do something for others like washing their clothes, sewing some bibs for an adult who need them, but most of all I love giving hugs and saying a prayer for them.

I have discover about myself is that I love to be happy and I want people that I come into contact with to be happy. I enjoy listen to their story and helping them if I can. I can foster the Loving, kindness and Subtle exercise very beneficial.


  1. Hello Velma.
    I've discovered that i have a tendency to hold onto anger which has caused me to question myself and esteem. Through these exercises, im begging to learn how to concentrate on controlling the thoughts within my mind and turn my negative thoughts into positive emotions. Congradulations on your life full of love. My goal is to get to where you seem to be.

  2. Hi Velma,

    I hope things turn out okay for your daughter! You sound like a very loving person and you look so happy in your photo. I admire those who work in hospice. My first husband died of cancer and the last few weeks of his life, we had hospice come in. They were great and I just don't know how they learn to deal with death as well as they do, but someone has to do it right? They were great with me too and gave me a lot of strength to deal with taking care of him. I think your goal of eating more healthy is a great one and I have to make that a new goal each day of my life because it is so easy to not eat right when we get busy.

    Good luck with your goals and hope your daughter comes out okay!


  3. Hi Velma,
    This is my first post to you, and hopefully first of more. I enjoyed reading about you and your caring attitude. This was an easy exercise for someone who gives such love and concern to others. One who is not selfish at all. My prayer to your family. I believe that you have a great understanding to where you need a little adjusting in your areas of life. I am going to keep looking over my needs to adjust areas that I need to. Eating healthy is a tough one, but I would be doing well if I could just start to exercise.
    Gina Costello
